
Looking at things from my perspectives so pardon my ignorance and just take it lightly. Have a good day

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sincere thoughts

It has been quite long since the last time i met this two friends of mine, suffice to name then Mr. D and Ms. R. We use to be so tight to the point of meeting and hanging out with each other on a daily basis. Yup one would wonder whether any one of us will eventually get bored and tired of this mutually agreed arrangement, but for me at least (m not sure abt the other two), i used to enjoy it and it is among the thing that im looking forward to.

Its funny how i got all these memories flashing in me head (u know all the things that we used to do together hehehe). I really miss the DVD night (billy elliot so da bomb), the MTV music night (remember bucket of water, half cut coke bottle and the vegetable hehehe we had so much fun), the clubbing nite (Remember white room bangsar, m thank you for looking after us). We had so much fun and it is still fresh in my mind. Remember waddle "WDL". Obviously we had our fall out but somehow (I hope) we managed to settle things up.

Things are quite different nowadays, all of us have our own thing and i must say among all of us, im like the most unparticipative (if there is such word lah) person. Ms.R and Mr. D are both doing well professionally and I am not sure whether they still go out and hang out with each other on occasional basis. I do meet them on once in a blue moon basis (I know m a bit of HHTA hehe), even if we met the closeness will never be like it used to be. I understand people grow up and change and even to certain extent, i do believe that i have undergone few changes in me.

Just want to let you guys know that i treasure the memories that we had and hope we can be friends forever and hope we can still be close on some unidentified form even if its not physically. You guys do play an important role in my life and for everything that you guys have done for me, I would like to say thank you sincerely from my heart and wishing you guys the best ( I do acknowledge that I can be weird at times or most of the times hehehe). If possible and agreed by both of you, I would really like to make you guys the god parents to my kid.


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