
Looking at things from my perspectives so pardon my ignorance and just take it lightly. Have a good day

Monday, November 27, 2006

Speak your mind sort of things

It has been quite long since my last posting, the truth is i am not really good at inking my thoughts or opinions albeit god knows ive been thinking a lot. However im so envious of my friends who are so good at blogging, and on that reason alone, im forcing myself to at least try and write about something today just to be at par (hehehe).

How shall one begin, emmmmmm there are too many things happening currently. I have been fed with too many information that shock the hell out of me. I dont know how should i digest all these information; some good infos some not so good infos. The problem with me is, I always try to be neutral in my eternal quest to be mr. nice guy. Issit good to be neutral at all times or i should retaliate and speak my mind sincerely?

I have been battling with me own self on this question since forever. I would obviously prefer to do the latter but when the time comes, I choose to be reserve and neutral instead. Only in few occasions that ive exercised the latter and guess wut, I felt shitty and awful after the fact. Why am I like this and honestly im sick off my own cowardice. I want to be respectable and acceptable for speaking my mind. Honestly im not trying to be the mr. popular or am i? Is popularity so important to me.?(Seriously I can’t really answer this question)

In fact I really need to find a definite answer on the above mentioned questions, its crucial for my future carrier growth. I am not really expecting any answers from you guys but just fell like writing wuts bugging me mind at this very moment.

Having said all the above, im looking forward for our next gyne check ups. So far the baby is progressing healthily and InsyaAllah by mid February next year, you guys will be seeing the new addition to me family. Honestly im counting the days and I pray to Allah for everything to be fine. O Allah please bless me and beloved wifey with healthy baby and O Allah please let it be a normal delivery for my beloved wifey. O Allah thank you for all the blessings and all the good things that have happened to me, beloved wifey and family. Amin.


Blogger Firdaus said...


5:15 PM  

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