
Looking at things from my perspectives so pardon my ignorance and just take it lightly. Have a good day

Friday, July 27, 2007

Me no likey

Current turn of events are just sux. Im at my lows now. I felt short-changed on most of the things surrounding me. Doest it pay to just give and give and give and the other party just take and take and TAKE. To add insult to my injury, i hate the cowardice built in me. I could never expressed me feelings freely coz im scared i might hurt the other party and im scared it will end up in more injury.

Is it too much to ask to be treated with respect. RESPECT is a value that a lot of people fail to practise. Even i do admit that im as guilty as others when it comes to practising RESPECT. I know people will go WTF that this guy is talking about. But hey this is my blog i write wutever i feel like writtinglah kan.

On a brighter note, me baby is getting better in fact hes back to all smiley and happy go lucky. At least with the baby around it helps to keep me grounded and to prevent me from blowing me top off, not that im capable anyway ahhhhhhhhhh hate me self slightly at the moment. Hope ill come out from this point quickly coz honestly me no likey when me not happy.


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