
Looking at things from my perspectives so pardon my ignorance and just take it lightly. Have a good day

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Saturday Miracle

Last Saturday was our second check ups. We were quite anxious and nervous at the same time. It was you know the mix feelings sort of situation. When the nurse called us, we rushed to the Doc's room. For the first few minutes, it was the normal doctory talk and then came the interesting part the scanning.

The miracle scanner I called it hehehe.I think it would not be too much if i say, it was among the best experience a person could ask for. There it was in my wife's tummy, a little thing called our miracle (Hala sorry guys a bit overwhelmed and still is). We can see the heart beat, the head and the hands pretty clearly. The legs and feet r forming up.

It was the cutest thing and god knows that i have to hold my tears in front of the doc (Dont wanna tarnish me repo hehehe) . I cant really explain this, but its something like youve bought something really nice and really expensive and youve been eyeing for it for ages(Beamer or mulberry bag for some) and the feelings after that its wut im talking about but hey this thing its like gazillion times better. When the doc says " Alhamdulilah the baby is showing a normal growth" thats like a huge relief to both of us.

I pray to God for the baby's health and " sempurna sifat" and hope you guys could pray for me too ok. Ill show you the scanning pics or wuteva the medical term they use if i get the chance to. Till then( M still smiling thinking about the baby)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gosh tot its gonna be damn easy

Recently due to the restructuring of my company, I have been tasked to look into another scope. So i said fine its ok just do it why should we bicth about it ( partialy true hehehe). It turns out i have to report to a friend of mine whom used to be quite close to me. This friend of mine should we say Mr. X was closed to me since we were recruited by my company at the same time. Hes way my senior and i respect him just like a big brother.

First i tot its gonna be simple but to my suprises reporting to a close friend its just plain awkward and 'me no like it'. How shud we demarcate between friendly banter or company's directive. Off late , he always assign me with tasks at the 11th hour. It makes me thinking that he is actually doing it on purpose and devising a plan to see my demise in this company. Am i overreacting or should i confront him and ask him for the brutal truth. I dont like the situation and its actually bugging' me.

As im writing this, again got an e-mail from him and need something from me by this evening. WutafXXXX (pardon my expression). Wut say u guys. Should i or shouldnt i?

Yup finally I have embolden myself to create my own blog. After making a lot of fuss about the title (which my friends would really know about it) i decided to settle in with this title. People would say wuteva, unoriginal but hey its my blog i cry if i want too ( m doing the submarine step in my rather big cubey hehehe).

Honestly, i dont know how to begin and im not that good of a writer as compared to all my other friends. I am actually looking for some sort of direction or certain writing skills. Buy hey this is not a competition of Spelling B some sort, its about me writing about anything that i feel like sharing. So hey again, its my blog i write if i want to.

Hope you guys will enjoy my story/views/ramblings / opinions and etc and please feel free to comment.